Coach Alexandrea J's Reading Nook

Hi!! Welcome to My Little Section of the Internet! I love to read cause I love to learn!

I'm a Life Coach, youtube personality, family life researcher, photographer, and of course a reader!

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Don't Be Fooled By The Title! This is a MUST read!

Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself! - Marie Forleo

Don't let the title fool you (or embarrass you), this book is not just about finding a man-it's about learning how to connect with people and be irresistible to every person you meet.


I found this book very practical and realistic, I loved the suggestions Marie had and I look forward to using them. I think this book is so relevant because we all need to learn how to better relate to people we meet whether it's for business or pleasure. We need to understand how to communicate with others, how to listen, what features of ours to play up (maybe you're great at putting others at ease) and what things that we do could be pushing people away from us.


I would highly recommend this book to others. I got this from the library but I have a feeling I need to get my own copy because I'll definitely need to be reading this again and again! :)

Currently reading

I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame
Brené Brown
Ally Condie
Progress: 30/367 pages